Blue Sapphire

Shape: Oval

Weight: 4.14ct

Dimensions: 10.3mm x 8mm x 5.6mm

Country of Origin: Sri Lanka

Mohs: 8

Birthstone: August

Complexion: Summer

Price: £3950


Notes on this Gemstone


This sapphire is simply exquisite and not just because it is has a deep, clean and even colour. It is often easy to forget that the way it is cut and polished is of paramount importance. Whoever shaped this from the rough form was a master at their craft, leaving the finished gem with a perfect symmetry and shallow enough to show the colour within. The fact that it is shallow (meaning the depth of the gem) means it looks much bigger than it really is.....providing great value for the recipient....which may well be you or your beloved!

Read more about Sapphire