Blue Tanzanite

Shape: Oval

Weight: 3.6ct

Dimensions: 10.4mm x 8.5mm x 6mm

Country of Origin: Tanzania

Mohs: 6.5

Birthstone: December

Complexion: Winter

Price: £2450


Notes on this Gemstone


Tanzanite comes from only one area on the earth. A small region in the Merelani hills just south of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The mining of the gem is carefully controlled by the Tanzanian government and how it is mined is unknown. It is expected to become difficult to find within our lifetime. When that happens, we would expect the prices to rise dramatically. Tanzanite is pleochroic, meaning it displays different colours along different crystal directions. Blue predominates in this beautiful oval, with a secondary colour of violet.

Read more about Tanzanite